Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Word of warning

Well its been a while since I updated my blog, as you can see from the photo below a lot has happened and we are now up the second floor.

The impressive sight is seeing the brick layers just build this up so quickly, it took from foundations to this about 7 days to complete. Those guys really go for it, a word of recommendation if you have an outside tap use it then you dont have brick dust and crud in your kitchen sink all week!  Apart from that and the drive being blocked with bricks all has been good on the brick laying.

I have now paid my builder twice, once up to damp course and then up to the second floor.  All in its around £22K now.

I did have a slightly worrying issue though, my builder has a 1st Class Degree in Civil Engineering and he noticed on my design for the kitchen wall removal that there was not enough steel and the design I had would likely collapse.  He called the engineers who then admitted they had got it wrong and that Building Control has mentioned they would not pass this work being completed until it was changed.

You pay someone and they get it wrong and know they have and then dont tell anyone until my builder mentioned it, apparently this is common and nothing to worry about but when its your home you do worry.  This is why it is so important you know who your builder is and that you trust them to do a good job because your home is in their hands.